Ända sedan 2011 då jag fick se mitt allra första orrspel, så har det blivit en årlig tradition med en övernattningstur på orrspelsmyren. En härlig upplevelse, som hör vårvintern till, för även om orrarna spelar året runt, så brukar det ju bli lite intensivare i parningstider
Finfin tältplats vid orrspelsmyren
Värmande och väldoftande tjärvedseld
Kvällsmys <3
Två av ett trettiotal spelande orrar
Se även;
- Övernattningstur med morgonspelande orrar -2019
- Tältnatt med orrspel i februari -2020
- Orrspel 2016- Youtube
Hi Susanne,
SvaraRaderaWhen we are asked to stay as much as possible inside of our houses you still have the luxury of going out into the free nature. Of course, no other people around you. No problems with staying at least 1½ m away from each other. Has corona reached the northern part of Sweden already?
Looking at the grouse must be fascinating. I can imagine you had a great time, especially the way you were observing them.
Greetings, Kees
KeesvanD: Yes, the grooseplay is really a highlihgt this time of the year.
RaderaThe Corona has arrived here too, but not with full power yet and we have no other restrictions than; wash the hands, not gathering with other people, stay at home if you have any symptoms and keep a 2 metre distance. We are lucky to be able to go outside in the nature and we have a lot of space to be alone.
Greetings Susanne