tisdag 10 maj 2011

Knipor och björktrast ...

Igår såg jag de här kniporna vid Höglandssjön...
vilka lysande ögon de har...

En trast i vår trädgård

Trasten är nog en av de mest irriterande fåglarna, tycker jag, de tjattrar ju hela tiden och försöker alltid skita på katten eller hunden. Men när man tittar närmare på dem så upptäcker man ju att de är riktigt fina...                                   

World Bird Wednesday

23 kommentarer:

  1. Good series!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  2. Vackert med fåglarna hos dig syns att det börjar bli vackert grön ,kramis Nette

  3. Beautiful captures of the Common Goldeneyes. Great post!

  4. Lovely images.
    I think your thrush is a Fieldfare a bird I have only seen in my garden once feeding on apples I had put out during our big freeze in the UK in December

  5. Så många vackra bilder du har fått på de fåglar:)
    Björktrasten var ju jätte bra:)

  6. Nice series of photos. The ducks with the golden eyes are beautiful.

  7. Många fina bilder på fåglarna från det fina vädret som råder just nu.

    Dom 3 sista bilderna blev mina favoriter idag

    mvh micke

  8. Lovely shots of the Fieldfare. We only see these during the winter months.

  9. What a wonderful week! I so agree, when we look a little closer those plain brown birds are quite stunning!

  10. Beautiful shots! Could it be "Thrush"?

  11. I LOVE the next to last shot! Nice composition with the branch and leaves.

    Thanks for your visit.

  12. Hi there - very nice set of pictures - as a few other people have said the bird is a Fieldfare -which is a type of thrush!

    Stewart M - Australia

  13. Great collection of birds. Your photos are wonderful. Thanks for sharing!

  14. OH wouldnt want to be the cat or the dog..lol
    You got some great photos of the little varmit!!

  15. Your Trast is a Fieldfare which is a kind of thrush. Lovely photos.

  16. Great collection of photos! I love the next to the last shot - very nice!

  17. ja, björktrasten kan vara lite enerverande. :) Fast jag saknade dom i vintras. Fina bilder du fick på kniporna. :)

  18. The golden-eyes are such beautiful ducks, and that wagtail is very pretty too, in a more subtle way. I haven't seen that species before.

  19. Great set of bird shots. Love the ducks! Amazing how many species there are.


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